Thursday, September 9, 2010

What may cause Fat Babies

FROM NBC: Most babies get to dig into cake on their first birthday -- but a new study shows some are getting a taste of sugar long before that. Researchers surveyed almost 600 women living in Australia and found one in four mothers had introduced fruit juice, cookies and cakes to their babies by the time they were six months old -- some beginning as soon as one month.

Health experts recommend breast- or bottle-feeding for the first six months of life.
Babies who started solids early were also more likely to be eating foods that were high in fat, sugar and salt by their first birthday.

Previous studies have shown eating habits are formed early in life -- and overweight children often become overweight adults.

I found out this week, my little guy is too skinny. I think he looks normal-bummer! I am giving him Pedia sure and feeding him constantly. He is trying to wean and he does not take the bottle. He takes a cup and a sippy cup, but there is no way he drinks 24 ounces of milk a day(which is what my pediatrician recommended.) Other than that, he is healthy and happy and doing really well. NEEDED: more fatty foods at my house. I am headed to the store tonight!

-NewsAnchorMom Jen

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