Thursday, December 16, 2010

Toys that make toddlers talk

I have lots of toys of differing and shapes and both of my kids took speech. So I am not exactly hopeful with the third lol! Anyway, I will still keep this study in mind as I try and teach my 15 month old to talk.

FROM NBC: A new study finds toys may shape the language development of toddlers. University of Iowa researchers taught 18-month olds the names of objects -- by playing with toys that had similar -or- significantly different shapes.

One month later, the children who played with diverse objects were learning an average of 10 new words a week -- compared with four words for the other children.
Researchers say more studies are needed to determine why these toys helped children learn faster.

Here's more on the study from Bloomberg Business Week.

-NewsAnchorMom Jen

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