Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ebay for Christmas

I think I am an Ebay moron. I was looking for some DS games and after about an hour, I saw this unbelievable deal. I quickly bid on it and then realized I was the only one who had bid on it. Then I watched the time click down and the computer say I won! Woo hoo! Or maybe not. It says the games are coming from Hong Kong. I soon realized the shipping is $42.99! Ugh! I have the worst luck. I fully expect to get the games and they will be in a different language or something ridiculous. So I think I just bought my kids a bunch of really cool DS games in Chinese. Oh brother! This is why people say they dread Christmas. It is just too stressful!

Do you buy gifts on Ebay?

-NewsAnchorMom Jen

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