Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Nudest Colony

My two-year-old has decided clothes are optional. Every time I turn around he is naked. And I don't mean he takes off his diaper. I am talking about shoes, socks, pants, shirts-the whole deal! I hear this is a sign he is ready to be potty trained. The problem is-he won't go in the toilet! I have tried and tried and tried. He just sits or stands there and looks at the water. He waits until I put a diaper on him and then he goes. Sometimes he will wait 4-5 hours to go! Help! What should I do?

Here's the latest potty training advice from NBC. I think this story came out just to rub it in to me that my toddler isn't even potty trained!:

Potty training.
It's a rite of passage for every toddler -- but what if you didn't have to wait two or three years for your baby to ditch the diapers? A trend toward "diaper-free" babies is catching on -- and there are even classes on how to do it! Vicky Nguyen shows us - It's eco-friendly, economical - but is it for you?

Pkg: Evian Water's onesie-clad diaper-wearing babies are a huge hit on Youtube, but as any parent knows ... What goes in eventually gushes out ... And no matter how cute the baby,
no diaper is immune to the blowout. (Pei Lee, mother) "I'm still fearful. I'm always constantly afraid."

Pei Lee and Paul Chang are the happy if not exhausted parents to Megan,
Melissa, Matilda and Molly. They decided to ditch diapers when firstborn Megan developed eczema and diaper rashes. (Paul Chang, father) "It was a little hard, but once you get to know their cues, it's almost intuitive." With the birth of baby Molly two months ago,Paul and Pei turned to Willow Lune for a brush up on their diaper free techniques. Lune teaches two hour workshops showing parents what she learned during a tour of Asia.

(Willow Lune) "The basic hold is the child with head supported by your chest and facing outward and holding the legs here, so that you're able to hold the baby over the potty." Or ... The tupperware container. Toilets and bathtubs work well too. Or if you're outside, bushes ... anywhere you can give your baby a "pottytunity." Lune says start by observing your baby -- does she cry or wiggle when she has to go? Or you can use the clock, offering your baby a chance to go after naps or meals. For many parents.. having a diaperless baby in the house is sort of like having a ticking time bomb. But diaper-free fans say -- relax -- a mess or two is all part of the process. Experts say it's never too late to start either.. And you can use a diaper at night or when you're out.

This sounds way too stressful to me! Has anyone tried potty training a baby?

-NewsAnchorMom Jen

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