The state of Illinois recommends everyone gets their child screened for developmental milestones. The screenings are free through Early Intervention. For Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford, Henry and Stark Counties in Illinois call (309) 999-7030 to set up a time for a therapist to come to your house. The first visit usually lasts about an hour.
I have had both of my kids screened. They both had speech delays. If your child needs therapy, the cost is based on your income. Every child develops at his/her own pace. It is up to you to gather all the information about where they stand and decide whether he/she needs assistance. Below is a list of the developmental milestones. I think it's a great program and I would recommend getting your child screened if you have any concerns at all.
One to Six Months Developmental Skills
The skills listed below are a guideline to keep track of your child’s development. The skills are listed in developmental order. Children develop at different times. If you are ever concerned with your child’s development during the ages of birth to age three and would like to schedule a developmental screening please call (309) 999-7030.
- Hold your baby close while feeding, talk and smile.
- Rocking in a chair can provide comfort, motion, touching and relaxation.
- Don’t discourage taste of safe objects because babies learn about world through their mouth.
- Talk, Talk, Talk throughout the day explaining all of the activities that you do.
- Place child on stomach. Stomach time helps with motor development.
- Babies need to change positions often to help with all areas of development.
- Look at books with texture and colors.
- Babies love seeing themselves. Use a mirror while lying on floor.
- Books
- Mobiles
- Textures
- Sponges in bath
- Teething rings
- Rattles
- Music
- Blanket on floor for tummy time.
Seven to Twelve Months
Developmental Skills
The skills listed below are a guideline to keep track of your child’s development. The skills are listed in developmental order. Children develop at different times. If you are ever concerned with your child’s development during the ages of birth to age three and would like to schedule a developmental screening please call (309) 999-7030.
Parent Child Activities:
- Imitate sounds your child makes.
- Place toys out of reach to encourage movement.
- Encourage finger feeding with a variety of small foods- cheese, cheerios, crackers, etc.
- Talk about the sounds you hear.
- Baby proof your house so your child can explore.
- Only use playpen as a special place not a babysitter.
- Talk to your child while you do activities.
Toy Suggestions:
- Pots and pans- Drums
- Mirrors
- Musical toys
- Soft blocks
- Texture items
- Picture books
- Stacking cups
Thirteen to Eighteen Months
Developmental Skills
The skills listed below are a guideline to keep track of your child’s development. The skills are listed in developmental order. Children develop at different times. If you are ever concerned with your child’s development during the ages of birth to age three and would like to schedule a developmental screening please call (309) 999-7030.
Parent Child Activities:
- During bath time talk about your child’s body parts as you wash them.
- Name items and encourage your child to repeat you.
- Allow your child to feed themselves. The best way to learn is by doing.
- Encourage your child to use their words with rewards.
- Read books together often.
- Be silly, have fun!
Toy Suggestions:
- Boxes, coffee canisters, and
buckets to fill and empty.
- Pull toys to help with walking
- Books
- Music
- Dolls
Nineteen to Twenty Four Months
Developmental Skills
The skills listed below are a guideline to keep track of your child’s development. The skills are listed in developmental order. Children develop at different times. If you are ever concerned with your child’s development during the ages of birth to age three and would like to schedule a developmental screening please call (309) 999-7030.
Parent Child Activities:
- Allow your child the opportunity to complete self help skills- dressing, brush teeth, wash hands, and brush hair.
- Encourage your child to use silverware as much as possible.
- Children learn by listening, do not talk baby talk. Repeat what child says with correct word- goggie-doggie!
- Have your child help with simple household tasks.
- Give your child opportunities to be creative with drawing, painting, and sidewalk chalk.
- Play outdoors. Create obstacle courses, race, kick a ball, and throw a ball.
- Read books.
Toy Suggestions:
- Blocks
- Crayons, markers, paint
- Household Items- broom, dustpan, dishes
- Ball
- Matching Objects
- Simple Puzzles
- Toy phone
Twenty Five to Thirty Months
Developmental Skills
The skills listed below are a guideline to keep track of your child’s development. The skills are listed in developmental order. Children develop at different times. If you are ever concerned with your child’s development during the ages of birth to age three and would like to schedule a developmental screening please call (309) 999-7030.
Parent Child Activities:
- Allow your child the opportunity to complete self help skills- dressing, brush teeth, wash hands, and brush hair.
- When asked questions answer them even though you may hear a question many times a day.
- Take walks and describe what you see and ask what sounds your child hears.
- Play like an animal and have child guess what animal you are.
- Play hide and seek.
- Sing nursery rhymes.
- Read stories.
- Allow your child choices.
- Play with play dough and make a variety of shapes and objects.
- Give your child opportunities to be creative with drawing, painting, and sidewalk chalk.
Toy Suggestions:
- Books
- Beads with strings
- Create a picture book with pictures out of magazines in a photo album
- Play with puppets- create your own with old socks
- Riding toys
- Crayons, pens, paints
- Step stool for independence
Thirty One to Thirty Six Months
Developmental Skills
The skills listed below are a guideline to keep track of your child’s development. The skills are listed in developmental order. Children develop at different times. If you are ever concerned with your child’s development during the ages of birth to age three and would like to schedule a developmental screening please call (309) 999-7030.
Parent Child Activities:
- Read together.
- Finger paint.
- Point out colors together.
- Play follow the leader.
- Cut out shapes of different sizes and match up the same sizes and shapes.
- Have your child help in simple activities.
- Answer "why" questions.
- Talk about your family and where they live.
Toy Suggestions:
- Simple games
- Cars
- Play House
- Doll House
- Books
- Riding toys
- Beads
- Zippers
- Buttons
- Crayons, pens, paints
- Colors, Shapes, and sizes
-NewsAnchorMom Jen
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