Thursday, December 4, 2008

Visiting Santa

So my five-year-old saw the new ad on this page with Santa Claus and asked me what that was all about. He said, "That's what Santa looks like?" I said, "Yes. Why? You don't think it looks like him?"

He slowly tip toes over to me and whispers in my ear, "I think his hair looks kind of weird. Shhh, he might hear me!" I explained to him that was the white part of his hat, not his hair. He gave a big relieved sigh and said, "Okay, lets go see Santa this weekend so I can tell him what's on my list." I am excited because there probably won't be a line at the Tot Spot, it's free and the owner-Tracy said it was fine if we bring out camera to take pictures. My kids get really anxious with the mall Santa because it's such a big production. Hopefully this will go better!

Kids! He cracks me up. Just yesterday he wanted to know if Rudolph was real. I said -Yes, he leads Santa's sleigh. He said, "Oh, I am so glad. I thought maybe that was just a story." I felt really guilty lying to him. Does anyone else struggle with this? I guarantee you he will remember that I lied to him about this. He has a great memory!

-NewsAnchorMom Jen

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Jen Christensen said...

I am glad to hear I am not the only one. I am dreading the day he points out that I didn't tell him the truth! I wish I had his memory!

Anonymous said...

My wife and I don't feel guilty at all. That's because we choose not to lie to our kids about Santa Claus. Are family doesn't include celebrating Christmas with him (we believe in celebrating Christmas for the true reason, Jesus Christ). If someone gives them a gift and says it's from Santa, then we just tell them that it's from the person who gave it to them. Which is the truth.
I personally feel that if a parent is going to lie to their child in any way shape or form, then the parent has no recourse for when the child grows up and lies to their parent about anything. So stand-up and be the role model that you are suppose to be to your kids.
-Truthful Dad

Jen Christensen said...

That seems a little harsh. I think I would like to fall somewhere in the middle.

Anonymous said...

Don't want to lie, but you celebrate the "true" reason of the season? Jesus? Celebrating the birth of Jesus on Dec. 25 is just as much of a lie as Santa. Read the scripture. Both gospels that speak of the nativity support the theory that Jesus was probably born in the summer. Dec. 25th as the birth of christ just replaced a pagan holiday

Anonymous said...

As the mom of two preschool boys, I think the joy and excitement in their eyes about Christmas and Santa are well-worth the fibs I tell them about Santa. I wouldn't want to grow up without the magic and mystique of childhood beliefs about Santa, Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. As a kindergarten teacher, some of the best experiences my students had was writing letters to santa, setting out shoes for St. Nick to fill with trinkets, trying to catch leprechauns with little traps, etc. There is a light in a child's eyes that appears with such great excitement. Why would anyone want to take that away? As kids grown up, there is plenty of time for reality. Let a little fantasy be part of their early years.
A 43 year old mom with preschoolers

Anonymous said...

You have to remember that these are little children. There is nothing wrong with believing in Santa. My children also know that Jesus is the reason for the season. There is nothing wrong with combining both at this time of year. I think it is great to see their innocence and watch their faces when they sit on Santa's lap and see the tree Christmas morning. I don't think of it as a lie, just not the whole truth.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the 3 anonymous posters above me. The reason for the season in our family is to celebrate love an joy in our lives. Instilling my children with a sense of wonder and joy and a little whimsy via the myth of Santa is pretty tame. As my boys grew, they figured it out for themselves; it's not brain surgery and most kids understand the impossibility Santa by about the 2nd grade. Just as another commenter mentioned, the celebrations of this time of year are rooted far more in secular/pagan celebrations than Judeo-Christian tradition.

Oh, and telling a kid that a shot won't hurt when it really will is probably more harmful that passing on the myth of Santa Claus. After all, if someone told me "it won't hurt" and it really did? I probably would have a hard time trusting them next time.

Anonymous said...

I don't feel guilty about telling my kids about Santa and letting them believe. To us, it is a part of childhood that only lasts so long. As someone else said, there is time enough for reality. I believed in Santa when I was little and when I found out it wasn't true ... well, I didn't get upset at my mom that she 'lied'. I was old enough to understand ... one above that was my mom said (when I got older) that as long as I still believed in the 'wonder' that was Santa (goodwill, giving, etc.) that I would still get items in my stockings. Let me tell ya, I still believe and every year there is something in my stocking!! :)

BTW, we are also a strong Christian family and my kids (well the older one) knows what this season is all about. There are so many ways to include the wonder of Santa and the Reason we celebrate is the birth of Jesus. So .. Merry Christmas!

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