I had my co-anchor and my pregnant producer checking their cribs for a recalled serial number this week.
I got this news release about an easy to read product recall list. I didn't think much of it until I took a look at the site. It really is a quick way to see if you have anything that has been recalled lately. I saw these super cute cribs on the list that look just like the one for Tim's (my co-anchor) little girl. Sure enough, it was the same brand. However, he went home and discovered his crib is just fine! Then, my producer, who is 6 1/2 months pregnant, thought she saw her crib on the list. She went home and discovered her crib is not recalled either. Thank goodness!

So here you go: Illinois Attorney General.gov
I hope you don't have anything on the list! Let me know if you do!
-NewsAnchorMom Jen
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There is an even better recall source.
Take care.
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