Friday, April 17, 2009

It's a BOY!

We had an unexpected ultrasound this week and sure enough, we are having another boy. I think I should form a club or something! "MOMS OF ALL BOYS/GIRLS" We could all get together and share our kids! I am still in shock. I have felt so differently this pregnancy that I thought for sure it was a girl. My oldest was a little bummed about the news, but now he's excited. He wants bunk beds. I am not sure that's a good plan. I can just see it now--boys flying off the top bed to try and land on a pillow or something! Then, I am off to the emergency room.

Speaking of that, my two-year-old basically fell out of his crib this morning for the first time. I heard a big THUD! I went in there and he was standing by the door, getting ready to open it. YIKES! This is dangerous! What's a mom to do? Will he be safer if I lower the railing? Or should I just start the "big boy" bed now and practice saying, "No, it's time to go to bed. Get back into your bed. You're a big boy now." Ugh! He is also showing a lot of "potty" interest, but I can't seem to get him to go. I guess it would be easier if I get him in a big boy bed and potty trained before the baby comes, but WHEW that sounds like a lot of challenges right now!

Hope you all have a great weekend! I have some great topics I will be working on posting this weekend.

(So I am thinking I want the baby's room to be chocolate brown and blue. Restoration Hardware has exactly what I want in crib bedding, but it's pricey. Does anyone have any other suggestions?)

-NewsAnchorMom Jen
Afraid to wear shorts? Do you have unwanted hair? Embarrassed by unsightly varicose or spider veins? NOW is the time to get your legs ready for summer! You don’t have to be afraid to wear shorts because of unwanted hair or unsightly varicose or spider veins.
Call 674-SKIN to schedule your FREE leg vein or hair laser consultation at Soderstrom Skin Institute, and you’ll be ready to show off your beautiful legs this summer! Soderstrom Skin Institute is positioned to be a comprehensive, full service, skin care facility. Visit to learn what Soderstrom Skin Institute can do for you.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

5 Tips to Save Money

I can't remember who sent this article to me, but I thought it might help some of you! I am struggling with trying to figure out how to reorganize our finances right now. I am just not very good at it! I don't know about tip#3(maybe that's who sent this article?) That one won't impact me. I like the coupon tip. I always see people at the store with coupons and I think, "Why don't I do that?"

If you have a good way to save some money, please let us know!

TIP #1: Use your Costco, Sam’s Club or other bargain store membership and create family outings at home. Purchase snacks in bulk, and do movie night in your living room. And while you’re at the store, purchase other bulk items you use regularly to cut down on expenses (toilet paper, plastic bags, snacks for lunches etc.).

Tip #2: Don’t blink when you open your monthly bills! Reduce every one of your utility bills by 10%. Automatically save 3% on your energy bill by lowering your thermostat by one degree (leave raise it during the summer). You’ll never notice the difference in your house, but you will notice the difference on your bill. Change your calling plan or get rid of your landline unless it’s a must have.

Tip #3: Purchase a Telestial ( Passport SIM card and unlocked GSM phone for your child studying abroad. Not only will you have the peace of mind knowing your child has access to a phone anytime, their calls won’t have international roaming rates associated with using an American cell overseas, which can range up to $5 per minute. In many popular study-abroad locations (Italy, Spain, France, Ireland, UK) incoming calls are free and outgoing calls start at $0.49 per minute.

Tip #4: Spend five minutes a day looking for online coupons. There are a bundle of sites out there that can save you lots on everyday purchases. Make a list of the stores you need to hit and use Google to look for coupons.

Tip #5: Play a money game. Whether you choose a quarter, a nickel or even a penny – put that spare change into the piggy bank. You’ll have more money saved before you miss a dime.

-NewsAnchorMom Jen

Afraid to wear shorts? Do you have unwanted hair? Embarrassed by unsightly varicose or spider veins? NOW is the time to get your legs ready for summer! You don’t have to be afraid to wear shorts because of unwanted hair or unsightly varicose or spider veins.

Call 674-SKIN to schedule your FREE leg vein or hair laser consultation at Soderstrom Skin Institute, and you’ll be ready to show off your beautiful legs this summer! Soderstrom Skin Institute is positioned to be a comprehensive, full service, skin care facility. Visit to learn what Soderstrom Skin Institute can do for you.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Child Cured by Acupuncture?

This mom interviewed by ABC says her child was cured from allergies, asthma and sleep problems after starting her on acupuncture. I feel like I hear a lot about acupuncture in the news, but I don't know anyone who goes regularly. I asked my OB/GYN if he thinks acupuncture helps with stress. I am trying to reduce my stress to avoid any complications with this pregnancy. He says there is no scientific evidence linking acupuncture to a decrease in stress. Bummer! So since my doc says he doesn't recommend it and I don't know anyone who has said it helped them in their pregnancy, I guess I won't do it. But if you think otherwise, please let me know! I want to do everything I can (on a limited budget) to prevent the dreaded best rest!

FROM ABC: Acupuncture has been around in China for at least 4 thousand years. In THE U–S, it's still relatively new, but growing in popularity. According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 3 million adults visit the acupuncturist every year.. But, is it a good idea for kids?

Abc's David Wright takes a look at an ancient treatment being used To combat modern medical problems in children in tonight's medical minute.

Little Ashley looks like any other 14th month–old baby – active, happy,
healthy. But, until quite recently, she was fighting one infection after another...
struggling with aSthma and allergies.

"She's been on medication since she was two weeks old--5 different medications. I wasn't comfortable with all the medications; she's so young. I felt like there has to be another alternative. "

So, even though Ashley's mom has never had acupuncture herself, she brought her daughter for treatment. At the Whole Person Health Clinic in Stoughton, Massachusetts, licensed
acupuncturist Fae Kont Je–Gibbs now treats Ashley regularly... With a combination of natural oils, tiny needles and tuning forks.

"You want to pick" Baby Ashley picked a little needle We watched as she gently prodded and poked Ashley for half an hour.

David "You're not actually breaking the skin?"
Fae: "No, not with baby
Ashley's mom says the baby is finally sleeping through the night. She's
convinced these treatments have helped.

"You have to kind of believe in it and trust it and then wait for the concrete, like— outcome.

Doctors recently used high–tech magnetic resonance imaging to study the brain's response during acupuncture. They found that acupuncture helps relieve the body of pain because the brain basically switches that portion of itself off.

-NewsAnchorMom Jen

Afraid to wear shorts? Do you have unwanted hair? Embarrassed by unsightly varicose or spider veins? NOW is the time to get your legs ready for summer! You don’t have to be afraid to wear shorts because of unwanted hair or unsightly varicose or spider veins.

Call 674-SKIN to schedule your FREE leg vein or hair laser consultation at Soderstrom Skin Institute, and you’ll be ready to show off your beautiful legs this summer! Soderstrom Skin Institute is positioned to be a comprehensive, full service, skin care facility. Visit to learn what Soderstrom Skin Institute can do for you.

Monday, April 13, 2009

12 year olds and Sex

FROM CNN: A disturbing new study on young teens and sex. Researchers surveyed more than 12 hundred teens on their sexual activity ... asking whether they engaged in any type of intercourse.

By age 12, more than 12 percent of students had engaged in vaginal sex, nearly eight percent had oral sex and seven percent had anal sex. One–third did not use a condom and one–fourth had four or more partners. Experts say it's important schools and parents start talking about sex and risky behavior at the middle school level.

Either I am really old and out of the loop or things have gotten a lot worse since I was in school! Isn't 12 years-old 6th grade? Come on! That is ridiculous!

At what age did you or do you plan on talking to your kids about sex? From this study, it sounds like we should before fifth grade. What do you think?

-NewsAnchorMom Jen
Afraid to wear shorts? Do you have unwanted hair? Embarrassed by unsightly varicose or spider veins? NOW is the time to get your legs ready for summer! You don’t have to be afraid to wear shorts because of unwanted hair or unsightly varicose or spider veins.
Call 674-SKIN to schedule your FREE leg vein or hair laser consultation at Soderstrom Skin Institute, and you’ll be ready to show off your beautiful legs this summer! Soderstrom Skin Institute is positioned to be a comprehensive, full service, skin care facility. Visit to learn what Soderstrom Skin Institute can do for you.

Funding for Pre-K

A group that tracks how many kids are in government-funded preschool reports today that more than a million three and four-year-olds are heading to class now. And states are spending more to get them ready for kindergarten.
But we're in a recession. State budgets are tight. And as Tracie Potts reports advocates worry that even with stimulus money in the pipeline, the nation's youngest students may suffer.

The nation's top educator headed back to class today... Warning states against taking money from their youngest students: "we're not going to balance the budget on the backs of our young children. We just can't afford to do this."

All but 12 states pay for pre-k programs. The federal government also funds head start, for low-income kids. Last year, states added more than 100-thousand new preschoolers... And spent a billion more on them than the year before.

But with five billion in federal stimulus money on the way... At least nine states may cut their own funding... So there's little, if any, net benefit. Advocates say that would hurt the middle class. "Children whose families are just above the poverty line all the way up to the median income have less chance of being in a good preschool program than children in poverty. And for children in poverty, it's less than 50 percent."

The national institute for early education research looks not only at how many kids are in class... But the quality of those programs. Nine states improved this year. Only one fell back. Educators say it's important for kids to learn abcs and social skills before Kindergarten.

"While we think that kindergarten, oh we're starting them early - there's less of an achievement gap - the reality is that kids are coming in with a variety of experiences, vocabulary, exposure to books." Making it tough for teachers to get them all caught up, on the same level, in just nine months.

Nieer, the research group, is pushing for the federal government to match what states are spending... And for universal preschool for all four year olds, by the year 2020.

My son has friends who are reading-and pretty well! I was shocked by some of the words one of them knew a few months ago. They won't be in kindergarten until the Fall. It's hard to imagine a child like that in the same class as a child who hasn't learned the ABC's. I would think the child who is more advanced wouldn't end up accelerating as much as he could becaus e the teacher would have to spend her/his time catching up the other child. Maybe we need better preschool standards...

-NewsAnchorMom Jen

Afraid to wear shorts? Do you have unwanted hair? Embarrassed by unsightly varicose or spider veins? NOW is the time to get your legs ready for summer! You don’t have to be afraid to wear shorts because of unwanted hair or unsightly varicose or spider veins.

Call 674-SKIN to schedule your FREE leg vein or hair laser consultation at Soderstrom Skin Institute, and you’ll be ready to show off your beautiful legs this summer! Soderstrom Skin Institute is positioned to be a comprehensive, full service, skin care facility. Visit to learn what Soderstrom Skin Institute can do for you.

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